Week in Review
This week, Governor Christ Christie signed three bills that direct $157 million toward open-space acquisition and invironmental protection across the state. One of the bills provides $84.5 million for grants and loans to municipal and county governments for land acquisition and park developments, while the second makes available $145 million to assist nonprofit groups with similiar missions. Christie’s office said he thrid bill designates $57 million for the state Green Acres program to expand state parks forests and wildlife managment areas, as well as purchase properties through the Blue Acres program.
Hoboken Hospital
Also this week, The State Health Planning Board met and to take testimony and vote on the sale of the city owned Hoboken University Hospital, whose operator filed for bankruptcy protection. A final decision will be make by state Health Commissioner Mary O’Dowd.
Other News
Andrew Sinclair
In other news, we would like to congratulate our colleague Andrew Sinclair who was recently appointed to the Northeast Regional Leadership Council of the National Wildlife Federation.
Debt Ceiling Fallout
New Jersey’s State Treasurere said the state is in a good position to deal with the nation’s debt ceiling fallout, since it does not depend on federal revenue a much as other states. The bi-partisan debt ceiling deal is not expected to impact New Jersey until 2013 when the bulk of cuts would start to take effect.