Multi-State Management


PPAG leads the national government affairs campaign for to create federal and multiple state programs to provide for a comprehensive governmental solution to protect against future natural catastrophes. Our firm is responsible for organizing and seeking to enact legislation to provide a framework for funding, prevention and mitigation of catastrophes. During 2013, we selected and managed lobbying supporting consultants in numerous states and directed the overall federal campaign in Congress, which resulted in landmark legislation being introduced in the House.

PPAG lead the northeast expansion campaign for UPC Insurance, a Florida domiciled homeowners insurance company which focuses on writing policies near the coast. PPAG contracted with and managed lobbyists in New York, Connecticut, New Hampshire and Maine to help with license applications and expansion issues.

On behalf of the Balloon Industry under the umbrella of The Balloon Council, Princeton Public Affairs Group worked for passage of the Responsible Helium Administration and Stewardship Act stemming helium shortage which would have had a negative impact on the industry.

Note: Record of Success (ROS) items reflect the status of the issue at time of ROS publication.