On behalf of Altria Client Services, PPAG successfully helped pass legislation that increases the penalties and fines for illegal cigarette smuggling and avoiding the payment of the appropriate tax in New Jersey.
On behalf of the New Jersey Restaurant Association, Doherty Enterprises Inc. and Fedway, PPAG secured amendments to legislation which created a craft distillery license but the amendment did not permit the distilleries to operate a restaurant on premises.
On behalf of our client, Vulcan Materials Company, PPAG was successful in lobbying for legislation that would amend the “New Jersey Shareholders’ Protection Act.” The legislation changed the definition of “resident domestic corporation” to clarify that all public corporations incorporated under New Jersey law would be subject to the protections of the act, regardless of whether their principal executive offices or significant business operations are located in the state.
On behalf of Insurance Auto Auction, Inc., PPAG worked with the New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission to solve issues with the issuance of salvage vehicle titles.
On behalf of the New Jersey Press Association, PPAG lobbied for legislation which increased transparency and public access to information. Additionally, we secured amendments on a number of bills to ensure that the press industry is not subject to certain liabilities for advertisements or classifieds that are published.
The Association of Municipal Assessors and PPAG secured amendatory language in legislation changing provisions regarding assessment challenges by the Tax Court.
PPAG successfully opposed legislation that sought to increase personal injury protection costs, increase lawsuits and ultimately increase premiums through higher litigation costs on behalf of Allstate New Jersey Insurance Company.
On behalf of the New Jersey Society of Certified Public Accountants, PPAG successfully supported legislation that simplifies government processes involving Urban Enterprise Zones.
On behalf of Enterprise Rent-a-Car, PPAG assisted in securing the introduction of legislation to reduce the Domestic Security Fee on rental cars. Additionally, PPAG worked for the introduction and committee approval of legislation which clarifies how Vehicle Licensing Fees are calculated.
On behalf of Insurance Auto Auction, PPAG worked with the New Jersey Division of Motor Vehicles and the New Jersey Department of Banking and Insurance to fix administrative problems involving the issuance of salvage vehicle titles.
On behalf of the New Jersey Association of Mortgage Brokers, PPAG worked with legislators and the New Jersey Department of Banking and Insurance on issues surrounding increased foreclosure activity in the state.
Working with the New Jersey Press Association which represents all the daily and weekly newspapers in New Jersey, PPAG educated legislators on the importance of the current public notice process and the dangers of moving to a limited internet publication process.
On behalf of the LeFrak Organization the former Pavonia/Newport station in Jersey City is now simply known as Newport.
Working with U.S. Communities Government Purchasing Alliance, one of the largest purchasing cooperatives in the country, PPAG secured the introduction of legislation that would provide municipalities, counties and school boards with the cost-saving option of utilizing a national purchasing cooperative for supplies and services. The bill passed the full Assembly and has been introduced in the Senate.
On behalf of Bracco Diagnostics, PPAG helped structure an incentive package that kept the company in New Jersey, and enabled it to significantly expand its clinical production and manufacturing capacity. Bracco is a leading international diagnostic company focused on advances in health care.
On behalf of the New Jersey Hall of Fame, PPAG worked with legislators and clients to seek permanent solutions for the exhibits, as well as privately funded development initiatives.
Note: Record of Success (ROS) items reflect the status of the issue at time of ROS publication.