PPAG’s Lorna O’Hara Earns Certified Association Executive Credential

The American Society of Association Executives (ASAE) has announced that Lorna O’Hara, of Princeton Public Affairs Group has earned the Certified Association Executive (CAE® ) designation. The CAE is the highest professional credential in the association industry.
Lorna O’Hara leads Princeton Association Management Professionals for PPAG and has more than twenty years of experience in association management within various organizations in and around Washington, DC and in Trenton. During her career, Ms. O’Hara has focused on client-centered association management and consulting services.

“Lorna’s ‘get the job done right’ approach brings a real focus to her team. We’re looking forward to her expanding our association management practice at PPAG,” said PPAG’s Dale Florio.

“I’m proud of this accomplishment and more importantly I look forward to implementing best practices, promoting growth and garnering respect for the industries I work with and represent,” said O’Hara.

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